Consultant software engineer with experience delivering high-quality, detail-oriented solutions in fast-paced consultancy environments. Working closely with clients to understand requirements and translating them into efficient, scalable systems under tight deadlines.
Notable work in this time: Lead frontend developer for internal AI tooling, creation of multiple proof of concept pieces when onboarding new clients. Credited with multiple qualifications for Scrum, AWS and Google Cloud engineering.
Full stack development with our Belfast team and counterparts in the US. I worked on two core business projects: implementing new features, undertaking large refactoring tasks to enhance performance, and working closely with our business and QA teams to investigate and resolve bugs, and additionally working closely with the development team during implementation and code reviews.
Starting as an Associate Engineer with TP ICAP's graduate scheme, I was promoted to Software Engineer after my first year. I worked on risk management software crucial for large financial transactions. I gained invaluable experience working closely with senior developers where I learned best programming practices and upskilled strongly in backend development.
Using Notion as a CMS with React and NextJS
Built using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Notion API
Jargon Buster
A simple search function built using SanityCMS, NextJS, and ShadCN with optional Excel spreadsheet support for technical and non-technical users alike.
If you have a project that you would like to collaborate on, or to ask any questions. Please email me below. I am always open to new opportunities.